Reduce Fat
Tipiak offers a world of solutions to help you achieve different objectives! Whatever your objective is, Tapioca can provide you with a solution to obtain it.
Reducing fat in order to improve a product's nutrition profile, or to reduce costs, or to secure product pricing when other ingredients are subject to high versatility. But cutting down on fat without scaling down taste : with Tapiocaline®, YES it's possible
Reduce Fat – How?
Tapiocaline® enables to drastically reduce fat and oil, while keeping the texture juicy and creamy.
Indeed, thanks to its high-water binding capacity, Tapiocaline® sheds fat and increases juiciness.
This is utmost interesting from a nutritional and production cost point of view.
Few examples below :
- In some FISH -based applications Formulations cost is 15% reduced by decreasing both fish and cream intake, by increasing water content.
- In BAKERY products: Fat is up to 15% reduced, by just adding 2% .
- In SAUCES: )Fat is up to 40%-reduced, Tapiocaline® is combined with water, whilst fat and cream are substituted.
- In MEAT products: Fat is up to 1/3 reduced, while keeping a juicy texture